Clean out the Sludge

This isn’t a DIY tutorial on how to clean pipes to make them function better, but it is a DIY tutorial on how to clean your mind and body to make them function better. Your mind, its a powerful thing. Especially when you feed it the right food. What is your mind consuming? Are you taking the time to really nourish it? Or are you constantly feeding it Netflix and Tik-Tok?

I have a challenge for you: put down the remote, put down the phone, and pick up your Bible. Just pick it up, flip it open, and read it. You can start at the beginning in Genesis or start a daily devotion and read the verses from there. I’ll link some of my favorite devotionals below. There have been periods in my life where my mind was filled with sludge. Lots of thick, yucky sludge. It wasn’t until I actually started reading the Bible and doing my best to follow Jesus (I’m not perfect, like He is, but I do try), that I started to function better. My mind was clearer, and I honestly felt like a new person. There’s just something wonderful about knowing that Jesus loves, like really loves you and wants what’s best for you. Listening to uplifting podcasts and reading personal development books helps feed my mind and soul as well. Just be weary and selective of what you let in. Ultimately, what you let in, is what you let out. Keep that in mind.

Healthy eating is important as well. Make sure you’re nourishing your body with nutrient rich foods that will help it thrive the way God intended it too. I’ve noticed that when I consume a lot of unhealthy food, whether it be fast food, too many sweets or foods high in salt and fat, I do not feel well. I feel tired and just plain gross. But when I nourish my body with fruits, veggies, and other healthy foods, my mind is clearer, I have more energy and I just plain out feel better. I’m not telling you to deprive yourself, moderation is key.

I’m going to leave you with this assignment, take out your Bible, or download the Bible app and look up this verse, Philippians 4:8. Have a great day friends, I’m praying for you.

As promised, some of my favorite daily devotionals.

Common Sense Reborn Daily Devotion

100 Days to Brave

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